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10 Man Preliminaries

(6 games each team - Friday and Saturday)

TEAMGame 1Game 2Game 3Game 4 Game 5Game 6TOTAL
Division 1
Aftershock* 93 90 95 19 95 95 487
Bad Company* 89 91 95 45 95 10 425
Revolution* 16 95 89 80 17 -2 295
Team X-Treme 98 10 8 89 94 96 395
Thunderstorm 92 12 10 93 94 91 392
Fury 94 10 10 12 8 94 228
Sidewinders 14 95 12 95 99 13 328
Ballistic Statistic+ 93 14 13 -6 12 10 136
B-Madd+ 9 4 91 2 7 12 125
Stingers+ 93 12 -10 7 94 14 210
Zero Tolerance+ 10 91 8 39 93 18 259
Division 2
Avalanche* 93 88 94 96 12 36 419
Grond Zero* 71 93 91 1 96 72 424
Rage* 98 94 98 97 94 66 547
X-Men 4 96 18 3 12 10 143
Shockwave 12 14 14 98 95 100 333
Paraplegic Turtles 16 12 10 100 84 98 315
Landsharks 100 -28 4 6 40 95 217
Hostile Takeovder+ 90 18 100 4 8 38 258
Boston Paintball+ 8 91 100 17 16 -20 212
Outta Control+ -42 95 97 5 19 100 274
Division 3
All Americans* 97 98 91 92 94 17 489
Knights* 90 94 96 7 15 94 396
Farside 9 95 98 94 12 19 327
Bad Company 2 10 10 8 1 9 12 50
Texas Storm 83 10 12 94 95 7 301
Rush 10 -29 98 8 93 89 274
Sting 97 1 4 8 -3 14 121
Black Diamonds+ 2 -6 94 7 94 55 246
Family+ 88 95 93 12 96 96 480
Oh-Nos+ 6 -7 10 11 19 94 135
Division 4
B.L. Ironmen* 99 87 94 94 14 93 481
All Americans II* 14 95 18 13 95 14 249
Lockout 94 87 94 18 93 93 479
OBR 83 13 91 97 -2 93 375
Grounc Zero Gold -5 10 12 -31 1 11 -2
Fatal Swoop 88 11 96 97 87 14 393
Crush+ 2 -28 12 16 93 10 105
Chain Gang+ 18 8 6 14 22 -1 67
Fusion+ 4 91 12 89 6 14 216
Inferno 98 94 97 2 4 98 393

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