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Tippmann Effect Performance
Erich Garbers - Bill Ruby - Bill Ayers - James Rout - Tom Harrison
Canadian Express B
Kim Swerdferger - Brandon Paris - Jonah Finkelstein - Max Axsmith -
Andrew Pitt - Curtis
Five of a Kind
Gregory Soucie - David Soucie - Mike Pimental - Pierre Bergeron - Luc
Decrasse - Mark White - Shawn Massa
Mitch Blanchard - Darron Cook - Craig Corndni - Mike Kelly - Mark White
- Chris Black
Sharp Shooters
Mark Steves - Justin Steves - Marshal Steves - Jade Krutchi - Jed Welder
Team Smack
Team Ambush
Twilight Zone
Kennedy How - Benny Hiler - Paul Kloehn - Dan Andrzejewski - Charlie
Changchien - Jason Vandyke - Steve Maguire
Christain Lablond - William Wainas - Jack Daniels - Jonathon Terry
- Christopher Marchand - Robert Wainas - Brian Whitmer
Mohican Mad Dogs
Dave Hilton - Tom Greening - Jason Cooper - Zonald Spinks - Art Brown
Team Bone
Shawn Adams - Collin Kalevitch - Aaron Peters - Matt Cook - Thomas
- Erin Eng
The Edge
John Buckley - Daryc Baily - Scott Baily - Tony Astor - Mark Dirado
- Lisa Fournier - Roberta Perkins
Team Crossfire
Dan Collins - Mike Mansell - Bill Symington - Chris Shuckerow - Harold
Daniels - Kirk Contey - Mike Carpo
Joe Stayback - Bob Bean - Warren Cornell - Mike Mooney - Matt Selis
PBC Factory Team
Cullen Demko - Dan Warren - Troy Burgert - Dave Baker - Tim Scarbelli
- James Lamon
Canadian Venom
Chris Delvin - John Delvin - Rob Stevenson - Nick Hunt - Brent Morrison
- Ryan Vollering - Adam Vollering
Team Crossfire 2
Jeff Pentzien - Zak Jenson - Scott Anger - Matt Carpo - Justin Barber
- Jeff Mugridee - Doug Pentzien
Chaos All Stars
Mike Johnston - Clive Runalls - Sean Licastro - Joe Jansen - Bosco
Cheung - Shawn Roberts - Ben Wagner
Sandridge-Tin Cup
Jeff Degroot - Rich Lenardeon - Randy Woodland - Randy Smith - Buddy
Middleton - Dwight Warren - Larry Martin
Adrenalin Rush
Chris Jones - Jacob Lyons - Jim Warner - Shane Hand - Tim Dorhass -
Roger Farrell
Bart Hardwick - Jason Beam - Peter Daugaviietis - Jason Van Dyke -
Brian Lee - Blair Egglestone - Neal Starr
High Velocity
Joseph Marques - Stan Penn - James Penn - Ed Park - Jason Daby
Palm Beach Maniacs
Leon Miller - Chris D'Angelo - James Austin - Jaime Gonzalez - Fred
Arijjo - Freddy A Arijjo
No Shelter
Dan Caswell - Jason Morse - Frank Proto - Tom Bragrowski
Ground Force One
Bruce Chow - Joe Taylor - Bob Bremer - CJ Klein - Dan Dempsy - Bill
G Force Two
Allen Beech - Mandy Debeuc - John Wheeler - Brian Davis - Colby Gallagher
- Nick Patterson
New England Express
Richard Loiacono - Kevin Weeks - Matt Falby - John O'Brien - Dana Coletti
- Justin Lyrintz - Kim Loiacono
Jeff Harris - Brian Warner - Jim Smith - John Mock - Ron Fowler - Eric
Team Vision
Anthony Auieung - Brian Bauer - Craid Dillman - Kevin Kelly - Tom Klem
- Adam Bauer - Ben Byrom - Alex Granias - Nick Klem - Steve Krueger
P&L Paintball 2
Scott Maher - Timothy Maher - Matt Baker - Matt Tobin
Beefcake One
Mike Pimental - T Watson - Tom - Pete
The Family
Frank Watson - Susan Watson - Keely Watson - Ryan Watson - Pat Sphorers
Timmy Irvine - Eddie Hennebury - Jimmy Damery - Joey Shepard - Kevin
Jones - Jimmy Barooshian - Cheryl Lenardes
Diggers - Jay Reilly - Sonny Lopez - Matt Perez - Rudy Aragon - Kevin Arcilla - Jamie Strauch - Eric Ward
Rapid Fire
Richard Ruglio - Gary Ruglio - Paul Ruglio - Suchet Bobra - Michael
Boston Paintball Supply Reflex
Anthony Vitale - Matteo Gallo - Mike Schiller - Jim Maslar - Dave Hervey
Mike Girroux - Steve Chase - Don Hayward - Jim Tilley - Kyle Fitzpatric
- Dan O'Conner - Stever Marentette
Social Damage
Thomas S Fure - Nathan P Lassing - Timothy A Caden - James Bedore -
Nikiforov Igor Vitalyevitch
David Marion - Scott Schooley - Jason Castner - Chris Dilts - Todd
2 Die 4
Karen Barber - Emily Flemming - Serena Jaques - Ellen Shreve - Sarah
Stevenson - Tammi Wold
Friendly Fire Black
Ron Blake - Derek Lewis - Mike Haun - Dave Martin - Dan Winter - Sue
Blake - Liz Lewis
Friendly Fire Red
Mike Everts - Doug Fitzmaurice - Craig Loucks - Dale Erno - Rich Sezcnat
- Laurie Loucks - Trish Everts
Outta Focus
Loren Beaird - Tim Hay - Steve Turco - Quinn Simons - AJ Bemrose -
Caleb Cond
Steve Distad - Pat Upthagrove - Chris Kuppers - Kevin Mahony - Ernie
Friendly Fire Blue
Don Speers - Tony Vonronne - Jacob Wright - Gerry Riposa - Craig Anderson
- Jim Knight - Kristine Speers
Team Internet Project #2
Matt Drown - David McCann - Mark McCann - Jim Johnson - Kwokwai Wu
- Jim Bartus
Albert Ambuehl - Scott Tinsley - Brad Killion - Brandon Hammersley
- Nathan Chambers
Goodfellas Red
Steve Flemming - Greg Fitch - Josh Mockny - Chris Devanso - Chip
Bike Zone
Tim Alty - Ryan Alty - Josh Kouri - Danny Thomas - Jeff Devlin - Dale
Mark Sucharewicz - Mark Sucharewicz Jr. - Andrew Sucharewicz - David
Thibault Sr. - David Thibault Jr. - John Necco - Ron Soini - Ernie Morin
The Highlanders
Jim Fox - Shawn Semelsberger - Michael Farrand - Phil Thomson - Scott
Miller - Joe Richards - Ron Hostetler - Mike Howard
Killer Bees
Tim Bratton - Kris Bratton - Josh Walden - Kevin Clark - Rob Stewart
- Troy Hall - Dave Dillman
Goodfellas Green
Nathan Moody - Al Showers - Pat Riely - Kevin Smith - Brian Shaw
Elite Force
Richard Hartman - Steve Swearman - Jeff Walker - Tim Goonan - Tom Storck
- John Norris
Guns of Paradise
Loyall Bennett - Scott Vanderbeek - Dave - Jim McKinley - Chris Closson
UK Cougars
Sid Boultwood - Mark McClure - Paul Hawes
Hangman Black
Greg Wells - Paul Dombroski - Brian Crossman - Ken Frid - Matt Olsen
- Cory Schmidt - Josh Wilson
General Chaos
Travis McConnell - Blair Cormier - Trevor Penney - Tom Cabsic - Trevor
Mathewson - Jim Neil
Shannon Mahone - Carl Loftin - Barry Browning - Chris Browning - Matt
Team Internet
Rob Rubin - John Dickenson - Matt Shively - Kendrick See - Andrew Hubbartt
- Steve Novak - David Phan - Caroline Richardson
James Graley - Chad Lewis - Jason Salyer - Chad Fuller - Lee Bias -
Rick Painter - Otessa Green
Missouri Magic
Don Spering - Landon Hoffman - Josh Platner - Spesh Robinson - Mark
Mavinenski - Steve Goodman - Mike Harrison
Long Island Timberwolves
Paul Sherman - Ted Leighton - Dave Rotunda - Frank Murray - Mike McInery
- James McIntyre
George Esper - Kevin Bredthauer - Brian Ogg - Brian Cole - Dave Gange
Spikes 5150 Black
Mike Burke - Kevin Doubleday - Johnathen Wavin - Ryan Smith - Raymond
Gates - Bryan Joudrey
Spikes 5150 Gold
Robbie Creed - Jeff McDonald - Kevin Corry - Bryce Cody - Matt Sherwood
- Kevin Mycroft
C. William Armstrong - Mark D. Entwistle - Rob Taylor - Sean Richards
- Brad Hubley - Kristen Armstrong - Helen Armstrong
Team Distant Aggressors
Aaron Eslingor - Josh McQueen - Shawn Blacketer - Ryan Gray - Dale
Hart - Chris Hayes - Mike Flannagan
International Bounty Hunters
Jim Jagues - Gecko Ron Slabaugh - Ray Eng - Brian Lock - Rob Jones
- Lee Lock
Thor/Omega Group
Thomas Gee - Jack Herman - Mike McDevitt - James Viallancourt - Mark
Jacobsen - Chris Nicolls
Motor City Madmen
Ron Slivatz - Joe Slivatz - Ramon Kuczera - Larry Kohl - Brent Putman
- Matt Smith - Kirk Sassak
Fusion DYE
Lethal Injection
Steve Lohner - Tom Halley - Ed Ramsey - Eric Schnelle - Nate Alters
Blaze of Glory
Jason Boonstra - Chris Proxmire - Jason Ward - Kirby Prelowitz - Brandon
Luxford - Jason Nelson
Group Therapy
Brad Backing - Jeff Proxmire - Corey Kaminski - Scott Isaacs - Rick
Stevens - Will Rudd - Rick Steinbech
Gary's Guerrillas
Paul Lefebuwe - Jeff Hass - Gary Rose - Dan Kucharzwk - Chris McKee
- John Mekowan
Rocky Mountain Warriors
Ryan Norton - Daniel Garman - Desiree Simmons - Susan Steves - Tom
Team Bay Mills
Garth Parish - Jessie Bowen - David Cameron - Mike Carrick - Dean Cameron
- Andy LeBlanc - Shawn Lyons
Ron Kilbourne - Todd Hugo - Tex - Jay Skilling - Rodney Roberts
PA Trespassers
John J Zirwas - Steve J Skarupa - Ken Boscia - Brandon Higbee - John
Pettegren - Joe
Jax Warriors
Paul Bollenbach - Chris Hufnagle - Kevin Ackmen - Greg Randel - Kenni
Absolue Carnage
Ken Barrett - Mark Smith - Joe Cavanaugh - Brad Baur - Greg Baur -
Brad McCracken - Mike Reese
Team OBR Red
Thunderstruck 2
Darrel Hart - Austin Horton - Chris Hass - Bruce Kragel - Jon Furr
- Tom Pianski - Jeff Stayback
Mom One
Domenic - Ian - Gil - Chad Roberts - Jerry Munsie - Troy Gillis - Sandro
Mom Two Red
Martin Cosen - Steve Boyce - Blair Shurtleff - Rob Galloway - Tony
Weir - Doug Bailey - Gino Perrone
UK Iron Wolf
Richard Stanford - Peter Phouli - John Pearce - Craig Nunn - Clive
Armoured Saints
Patrick Macchia - Jerry Mitchell - Kevin Kuzmiak - Mike Reha - Bill
Discaso - Al Bauer - Mike Quinn - Chris Hanse
Team Micro-Burst
Earl McCarmick - Aaron Wooley - Barry McKim - George Green - John Hartwell
- Micah Wilder - Rob Early
Alex Reed - Joel Hernandez - Raul Bringas - Adrian Mederos - Mandy
Sosa - Nelson Gonzales
Rush Two
Rey Figueroa - Angel Fernandez - Mike Blanton - Pablo Wong - Eddie
Tippmann Performance
Justin Meise - Rudy Echart - Kim Heretick - Dan Clark - Jamie Wright
- Chad Ruhl
Ryan Westphal - Terry Murphy - Todd Westphal - Paul Bailey - Scott
Canadian Express A
Duayne Summerhayes - Ken Leneve - Ed Chamberlain - Nea Nyugen - Blain
Gaylor - Doug Volland
Dan Drewek - Scott Allen - Keith Carlson - John Deagazio - Terry Kielczewski
- Travis McNicol - Scot Sheils
Seek N Destroy
Craig Cook - Will Smith - Dennis Dendiuk - Peter Zuidelveen - Matt
Passa - Steve Ellis - Dave Peres
John Horvath - John Kuhn - Jimmy Kuhn - Alan Ballesteros - Brian Smith
- Sal Dileo
Freaks of Nature
Greg Beck - Art Bloomer - Ben Wademan - John Rabits - Mike Lashbrook
Team Slam Black
Dan Lewis - Dave Klueber - Erin Rizza - Jim - Vic Cushanick - Blue
Palace Knights
Joe Talbert - Kevin Talbert - Steve Talbert - John Devore - Chris Hansin
- Bryon Stanfield
Silver Fox
Bill Gray - Erwin Moiley - Jaques Martin - Fletcher Jerome - Christopher
Jason Bogle - Chris Sullenberger - Jason Farrell - Barry Piece - Sting
- Kevin Fink
Team Slam Gold
Bruce Cummings - Arther Allen - Mark Johnson - Eric Baker - Rich Yoest
- Blue Hanson's Son
Scott Santos - Stosh Kowalski - Steve Codigiez - Scott Petite - Pat
Iron Maidens Gold
Tracey Roberts - Spring Winters - Kathy Gaster - Misty Silva - Dawn
Iron Maidens Silver
Amy Beehler - Cathy Stewert - Colleen Chappell - Marie Chappell - Kelly
Krimson Knight's Black
Jeff Kulyk - Andrew Bremer - Jesse Erdman - Steve Medeiros - Chris
Bower - Kevin Gray - James Stiffey
Drexel University Paintball
Andrew Yeh - Brian Getter - Bill Godden - Chris Hoffman - Eric Davis
Gene McMurray - Eric Nghiem
Brasil Redskins
Jose Batista Sabrinho - Claudia Batista - Sidnei Ricardo Batista -
Alexandra Batista - Fabio Batista - Marcelo Silva - Sergio Dominiciano
- Laerta Vilani - Paula Pontes - Jose Cunha Leal Don Santos
Team Bezerkers
Steve Welch - Bill Callahan - Tibor Burany - Jeff Schmittinger - Jason
Freeman - Jay Bendlin
New York Dogs Gray
Al Pennino - Anthony Pennino Jr. - Jo Opatovsky - Mike Wright - John
Pennino - Anthony Pennino
New York Dogs Black
Mike Simon - John Rivera - Russel Kiesche - John Oldham - Rob Giacoppo
Iron Maidens Bronze
Kelly Karnes - Melissa Just - Laurel Anderson - Courtney Bulger - Karen
Krimson Knights Red
Roger Brewster - Norm Walsh Jr. - Chris Barrett - Chris Kulyk - Frank
Schwab - Melissa Lormand - Stef Hulak
Body Count
Jeff Kruppin - Brock Jolliff - Stacey Skibinski - Dusty Loeffler -
Tony Hicks
Louie Dalesto - Naz Dalesto - Eren Salkok - JF Kurdi - Metch Karn -
Robert Lee - Eric Duquay
Tip Two
Matt Drown - David McCann - Mark McCann - Jim Johnson - Kwokwai Wu
- Jim Bartus
Personal Threat
Derek Osborne - Joe Winters - Terry Stolmeirer - Steve Blair - Matt
Hangman Blue
Mike Klien - Dan Gamble - Jay DeVost - Brian Mills - Russ Van Every
- Clayton Merryfield - Joel LaFleur
Force of Nature
Pat Charlebois - Scott Box - Tim Isso - Mike Bergman - Tom Gandhi -
Barry Brown - John Enhayse
Ground Zero Gold 2
Gary Browne - Joe Latronico - Anthony Cuocco - Ritchie Martinez - Chris
Di Palmo
Team Class Act
Donald McComas - Daniel Patrick - Stephen Thomas - Paul Houchen - Jay
Baur - Dave Ashby
Impulse Gold
Drew Farabough - Mark Allen - Sam Etherton - Bryan Langer - Chris Taylor
- Mike Szettella
Ground Zero Gold 1
Steve Cusano - Nick Cuba - Tim Doyle - Julio Rivera - Albert Smith
- Tim Furlong
Final Conflict
Jim Gindl - Mike Cruz - J R Mangahas - Chris Brown - Kevin Marriotte
- Ryan
Toronto Frontiersman
Kevin Smith - Monte Franks - Shawn Henderson - Paul Counsel - Steve
Tunney - Mike Judge
Constant Pursuit Blue
Constant Pursuit Red
Team Smack
Team Slacker
Impulse J&J Performance
Robert London - Steve Bourke - Pat Nalepka - Noel Samington - Jim Johnson
P&L Paintball
Shark Command
Midwest Scorpians Three
Extreme Rage
Zero Tolerance
Canadian Black Shield
Ground Fire
Belgian Demoniac
Swarm Black
Swarm Gold
Midwest Scorpions One
Midwest Scorpions Two
Wasaga Beach Boyz
The Professional Division
Danny Love - Mike Bruno - Dino Yario - Todd Adamson - Billy Ceranski
- Pete Robinson - Ryan Williams - Ronnie Simphins
Team Avalanche
Ed Poorman - Chris Lasoya - Glen Forster - Bill Abell - Richard Itacia
- Rocky Cagnoni
Team Image
Richard Maliszewski - David Thomas - Brian Fow - Travis Lemanslia -
Ralph Sotelo
Fusion JT
Ground Zero 1
James Murray - Danny McGonicle - Dennis Mood - Will Arroyo - Dave Spittle
Ground Zero 2
Robert Rose - Mike Renner - Tom Zawadski - Tom Aguilera - Peter Reilly
Ground Zero 3
Phil Domniquez - Chris Cole - Chip Brashears - Mark Roberts - Jim Frensham
Bob Long's Ironmen
Bob Long - Dave Cook - John Marquez - Roddy McDonald - Oh Pawlak -
Gary Shows
Coiotes Brasil
Marcelo Rinaldis - Milton Takahashi Jr. - Carlos Alberto Sanches Jr.
- Robson Gabriotti - Luis Claudio Caetano - Eduardo Carrara - Jorge Teraoka
Special Forces
Randy Smith - Dan McAllister - Paul Danielski - Perry Penny - Toby
Pease - Gerald Goodman - Dave Mutch
Bob Long's Ironmen Black
Rich Talford - Ron Nelson - Kevin Jones - Zack Long - Billy Payne -
Pat Rayder
All Americans Blue
Bill Gardner - Adam Gardner - George Davison - Frank Halliman - Dan
Kerszencweje - Hans Semelsberger
Bad Company
Jeff Schreiber - Brian Hansas - Markus Neilsen - John Dresser - Rob
All Americans Red
Jason Start - Chris Wright - Darryl Trent - Steve Haman - Andy Koycok
- Jerry William son
Copyright © 1992-2019
Corinthian Media Services. WARPIG's webmasters can be reached through our feedback form. All articles and images are copyrighted and may not be redistributed without the written permission of their original creators and Corinthian Media Services. The WARPIG paintball page is a collection of information and pointers to sources from around the internet and other locations. As such, Corinthian Media Services makes no claims to the trustworthiness or reliability of said information. The information contained in, and referenced by WARPIG, should not be used as a substitute for safety information from trained professionals in the paintball industry. |