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![]() Pan Am Circuit Seattle, WA July 25 - 27, 2003 The Pan Am Circuit returned to Seattle, or more specifically Port Orchard, Washington for the fourth year in a row. Paradise Paintball once again was the host location for one of the series’ 5 man major tournaments. Historically the Pan Am’s 5 man competition has been its stronger half, with 5 man major events outweighing their 10 man counterparts. Following the growth in the 10 man side seen over the 2002 season, circuit promoter Dan Bonebrake made some major changes for 2003. The 10 man competitions were changed to 7 man unlimited paint, while the 5 man remained with the 200 round per player cap. Both remain bring your own paint events.
A warm and dry Northwest summer put the tournament site’s two grass concept fields on a surface of pale dormant grass, but the wooded field used was lush as ever under the protective shade of pine trees. Paradise Paintball is located in a county park designed for multi sport use. The concept fields are fully netted for public safety, and barrier tape is used to guard the public from walking into the woods fields. Additional activities at the park include open sports fields for soccer or football, BMX trails, batting cages, hiking and walking trails as well as a scale railroad for builders of live steam model railroad engines.
SATURDAY The Saturday edition of the Sun, a newspaper serving the Kitsap area featured a front page article about Kitsap Community Park with a picture from the tournament – though the article was not about the Pan Am circuit, but rather budget problems surrounding the park. According to the article, the reason the parks grass is dormant is that the South Kitsap Parks and Recreation Department has lacked the funds to water and maintain the grass, and to perform other tasks, including regularly dumping the park’s trash cans. The article highlighted Paradise Paintball as one of the sources of income for the park, and quotes Ken Foss, one of the field’s owners as being unhappy that the park board was unwilling to negotiate a long term use contract which would protect both the paintball field, and secure more revenue for the parks maintenance. The community remains undecided as to how to best care for the park. The Sun quoted board member Brock Jackley saying, “The issue is how do we adequately meet the community’s needs and at the same time fund those needs?” Saturday’s morning games started under clear blue skies and featured the 5 man amateur, novice, and rookie teams as well as the 3 player young guns. As on Friday, the vendor’s tent featured booths from Bonebrake Airsmithing, Nelson paintballs, Just Paintball, AKALMP, Paintball Junkies, and Planet Paintball. Outside the tent the Pan Am Circuit trailer was used for player registration and scorekeeping. Something done differently at the Pan Am than most other circuits are the scoreboards. Rather than simply listing scores for each game, the divisions were shown in a two dimensional matrix, so one could tell instantly when looking at a score not only how many points a team earned in that game, but also who they played against. Next to the Pan Am trailer was ACI’s trailer, filled with products distributed by ACI, including their exclusive lines like the Griffin paintgun and Bulldog compressed air systems. The Young Guns played all of their preliminary games on Saturday, ending up the day with semi-finals and finals taking place on the two airball fields. Due to the odd number of teams, some of the teams had their scores averaged to give a fair reckoning of their performance, then they were ranked by top scores from there to advance six of the 13 teams onto semi-finals. Alien Kidz, Dysfunction, Stutter Kids, Blue Lightning, Blue Thunder and Red Thunder made the cut into the next bracket, competing in between the novice and rookie prelim games. Dysfunction came out on top of the semi-final round with two solid wins, joined by Blue Thunder and Alien Kidz. Dysfunction won the young guns bracket after a win and a near stalemate, Alien Kidz took second and Blue Thunder third place after two games. The Amateurs, novice and rookies continued their preliminary games through the afternoon, wrapping up a little after 4 pm. Novice teams were also averaged throughout their preliminaries since there were an odd number of teams. Advancing 6 teams into the semi-finals, the Novice teams would hit the field again on Sunday afternoon when the Rookies started their own semi-finals. Rookies and Amateurs would face off again on Sunday morning to wrap up their preliminary games. SUNDAY
Rookie teams Rancid Rage, NURV, Pacific Paintball, Barebonezpaintball.com, X-Code Crew and Black Magic Gold all made the cut into semi-finals at 580 points. The teams being averaged like the other divisions for teams who were shorted a game due to a bye. One o'clock rolled around at the field after a lengthy lunch and the wooded field was abandoned to run the semi-final and final matches on the two air ball fields, much to the relief of the teams. Rookie's faced off in two divisions, the top three scores moving on to finals. Black Magic Gold, Barebonezpaintball.com and Rancid Rage made the cut of the six teams, advancing them onto the finals. The Novice teams similarly took six teams from preliminaries, playing them in two divisions. Bad Karma, X-Code and Total Chaos made the cut, Snaps lost the shot after a fifty point penalty was assessed for language. Final rounds for novice and rookie's wrapped up shortly after 3 o'clock with rookie's Black Magic Gold in first, Barebonezpaintball.com in second, and Rancid Rage in third. Novice team Total Chaos took first, X-Code second and Bad Karma third. The raffle that always follows the Pan Am events was widely attended and as popular as ever with the teams with guns, gear and product being throw out after the awards were handed out. Special thanks to the Pan Am staff for
their hospitality and always fun atmosphere - missed you Todd. Big
hugemongous thanks to Terry Stolmeier for playing chauffeur, Piggin' up
the Suburban and for just being an all around great guy. Pete Hollenhorst
for lunch, Cheese Its and always being a ray of sunshine even though you
travels even more than we do! Todd from Alaska for being awesome,
happy birthday again, puppy. :) Just Paintball for the snappy outfit
-- mercy...Bill is so happy. To the teams for the love on hoppers,
hats and random locations - thanks for sporting the Pig stickers!
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Corinthian Media Services. WARPIG's webmasters can be reached through our feedback form. All articles and images are copyrighted and may not be redistributed without the written permission of their original creators and Corinthian Media Services. The WARPIG paintball page is a collection of information and pointers to sources from around the internet and other locations. As such, Corinthian Media Services makes no claims to the trustworthiness or reliability of said information. The information contained in, and referenced by WARPIG, should not be used as a substitute for safety information from trained professionals in the paintball industry. |