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January 27-28, 2001 Calgary, Alberta, Canada By Richard Amateur- Darkside Masters- Shockwave The Canadian Amateur Speedball Championships were held in Calgary, Alberta Canada at the Calgary Stampede Fairgrounds. A sawdust covered field made for somewhat slippery conditions but an enjoyable playing experience. The two fields were accommodated in a large stable-like building, with a restaurant inside, made feeding the 70 some odd teams an easy task. The Championships held in Calgary for the 8th year had teams from British Columbia to Newfoundland and some American teams such as Total Eclipse from Montana. The event was spread over two days seeing the Novice division start the day and then mix in with the Amateur and Masters rounds. The Novice competition was a round robin with no finals, as was the Masters. The Amateur division was the only division to have a semi-final and finals. The event sponsored by Zap and Paintball Paradise was run smoothly from beginning to end. Zap paint was the only paint used and shoot clean and true, to most of us surprising. Reffing was excellent with Personal Vendetta. The Novice division saw the B.C. Supernaturals in first after eight
Day two saw the Novice division take center stage with the final eight
This event was fully covered and also had a protective net around both
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