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RMR's Lockdown By Bill Mills - Nov 2004 Field Testing by Clint Marshall There’s no doubt, if you go to a major tournament you’re going to see a lot of Intimidators, or Timmies as they are often called on the ‘net. One of the nice features about the Timmy is how easy it is to strip out the bolt and ram for cleaning. Pulling up on the bolt’s link pin allows the bolt to be slid out of the receiver in one smooth motion, for pull through cleaning of the breech and barrel. The ram cap, on the back unscrews to allow removal of the one-piece ram – the part that strikes the exhaust valve and moves the bolt back and forth. Aftermarket adjustable ram caps are a popular accessory for Intimidator owners. With variations in manufacturing, and wear on the ram’s bumper, an Intimidator equipped with a stock, non-adjustable ram-cap can run into feeding problems. The potential problem comes with the bolt being drawn too far back when the Intimidator is resting between shots. If the bolt comes back far enough, the paintball sitting in the breech can roll backwards to the bolt, allowing another ball to partially feed. This can especially be an issue when using a force-feeding loader like the HALO. When the Inimidator is fired the partially fed ball is either chopped, or more likely pushed back up into the feedneck. When the ball is bobbled back up the feed tube, it may not always turn around in time to fully seat in the breech for the next shot. If the Intimidator’s eyes are in use, this simply means a slow-down in the rate of fire – if they are not, it can mean a chopped paintball. Adjustable ram caps, feature a screw adjustment to limit the rearward travel of the ram, which in turn limits the rear travel of the bolt. This gives the player the ability to fine tune the rear position of the Intimidator’s bolt at rest. The problem with many of these aftermarket adjusters is that while they effectively lock the adjuster screw with friction, they are screwed into the receiver with fairly coarse threads. Under the vibration and impact of heavy firing, they can work lose, and back out partially from the receiver. RMR has addressed this problem with the Lockdown, their adjustable ram cap for the Intimidator. Like most adjustables, a hex wrench is used to tweak the setting of the cap’s adjuster screw. RMR has added two additional hex screws to either side of center. These serve to lock down the cap to the receiver, so that once it is in place, it can not be removed without first loosening these two lock screws. The design is both simple and effective.
In field testing it proved to operate as claimed. The end cap that
the Lockdown replaced on the test Timmy was an adjustable aftermarket model
that had to be tightened to the receiver by hand once or sometimes even
twice a game. In contrast the Lockdown needed no tightening, and
remained snugly in place through a full day’s play.
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