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Building a Sniper Blind

For the perfect Ambush

By: Rob Beebe

Camouflage is one of the best resources a paint ball player can use. It can give them the ability to sneak up on an opponent. There is the basic BDU or camouflage clothing , this is good but it dose not break up the out line of the body. To break up the outline of the body you need a sniper suit this takes camouflage a step further by using long strips of burlap and other cloth to break up the out line of the wearer. This is very good form of camo but it is very heavy and hard to move in. My answer to this is the sniper blind , it is made like the sniper suit but instead of sewing the cloth strips to clothing you sew it to an army half shelter or some sort of canvas about 8' by 3' foot.


To make the blind first you sew the burlap and cloth to the canvas alternating type , color , and length. You really can't mess up but make sure it looks natural(if it does not you can move the strips around till you are happy with it). Then you go to the site were you want to set up the blind(It is great for covering your flag). Make sure there is nothing between you and were you may be shooting(bushes , trees , and tall grass)after that dig a ditch about 2 foot deep and the size of you canvas. Next spread the canvas out over the ditch prop it up with the sticks. Than lay out the poncho in front of the ditch to stop the movement of dirt when you fire. Now all you have to do is blend the blind in to the back ground(if the cloth and burlap are to light or dark for the surroundings use spray paint to even it out). Finely you lay and wait for the enemy.

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