do you think?
Or lack thereof by Bill Mills Previously, this web page had a link to a paint to barrel comparison chart. It was used by players to get the "perfect match." That chart is no longer online, as it's creator's web site has been closed. The link has not been replaced despite the fact that there are a number of charts online for the following reason. They aren't as useful as they appear to be. While fit of a paintball to a barrel may be important for accuracy and performance, paintballs are not consistent. They are affected by temperature, humidity, and age. Thus measurements of a paintball taken from one batch will not necessarily match the measurements taken from a different batch of the same brand, or even the same batch under different weather conditions. The ONLY way to ensure an accurate paint to barrel match is made is to compare the paint to the barrel (either a selection of barrels or a barrel system with inserts of various inner diameters) at the field. This is why experienced players at the
amateur and professional level take a variety of barrels and or barrel
inserts and check their paint to barrel match at tournaments instead of
taking just one barrel that matches the brand of paint they will shoot.
The ball, if placed in the breech of the barrel should not fall straight
through. If it does, the bore is too large. It should be able
to be blown through the barrel with out too much resistance. If it
is too difficult to blow the ball through the bore is too small.
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Corinthian Media Services. WARPIG's webmasters can be reached through our feedback form. All articles and images are copyrighted and may not be redistributed without the written permission of their original creators and Corinthian Media Services. The WARPIG paintball page is a collection of information and pointers to sources from around the internet and other locations. As such, Corinthian Media Services makes no claims to the trustworthiness or reliability of said information. The information contained in, and referenced by WARPIG, should not be used as a substitute for safety information from trained professionals in the paintball industry. |