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Paintball Collector's Guide Book Review by Bill Mills - Feb 2005 Since the 1980s, Guy Cooper of ProStar Sports, Inc., in Colorado has been collecting paintball publications. His library of magazines, video games, videos and books is probably the most complete in the world, and he has worked at making it so. Keeping track of such a large collection is no small task, so Cooper, along with Andy Starrett, VP of Pro Star Sports, compiled a catalog listing the contents of the library. A condensed version of the catalog became Paintball’s First Collector’s Guide. An advance copy of the Guide was made available to WARPIG.com to preview. It is a full color, spiral bound 41 page list of known paintball publications, both those in the library and not. By the time of the first publishing, the Guide may be a bit larger, as advanced copies have been sent to many publishers to for feedback to make sure all of their products have been listed. For many video publishers each video they have released is listed, while magazines carry a selected cover shot and if known, the date of fires publication, as well as the number of issues released for the many magazines that have come and gone. For the serious collectors, each entry has a check box, to track their own collection of paintball memorabilia. Select rare items also have the World Paintball Library’s estimate of fair market value listed next to them. Cooper plans to keep the Guide updated regularly, keeping pace with new publications just as he has done over the years with The Paintball Field Operator's Guide. Paintball's First Collector's Guide will be made available in both print and downloadable Adobe .pdf versions through the World Paintball Library web site at www.worldpaintballlibrary.com.
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