WARPIG Contests
Dedicated to the
idea that the only thing better than playing paintball is winning free
paintball stuff!
WARPIG Contest 2003-1
into this contest is now closed. Winners are as follows:
Prize - trip to practice with the Philly Americans and $500 Smart Parts
factory shopping spree:
Viktora - Chicago, IL
Runner Up - Smart Parts Impulse Paintgun:
Page - Highland, MD
Runner Up - Freak Barrel Set:
Graven - Jefferson, IA
Runner Up - Smart Parts Burn Gear Set:
Estrela - Laval, Quebec, Canada
Runner Up - WARPIG Chigo Pants from Smart Parts:
Cardona - San German, Puerto Rico
We started giving away free paintball
stuff in WARPIG Contests way back in 1995. Every now and again one
of our sponsors will hook us up with some great stuff to give away to WARPIG
readers. What could be cooler than that? Now Smart Parts has
gone and done it, they've lined up the absolutely coolest prize package
we've ever given away - a trip to practice with the NXL team, the Philadelphia
Americans, and a pile of Smart Parts gear.
Here's what the Grand
Prize Winner of WARPIG Contest
2003-1 will get:
Round trip airfare for one
from a major airport near the winner's home to a Philadelphia American's
pre NXL World Cup practice session. (The winner is also permitted to invite
one guest but that guest must cover their own expenses - sorry not everyone
rides for free.)
Accommodations at a hotel
near the practice field the Friday and Saturday night of the practice weekend
for the winner and their guest.
guided tour of the smart parts factory Friday afternoon including the machine
shops where the Shocker, Impulse, and Freaks are manufactured.
A $500 Smart Parts warehouse
shopping spree.
Dinner and photographs Friday
night with the Smart Girls and Smart Parts staff (and no, the Smart Girls
phone numbers are not included in the prize package :-)
Attend and participate in
a Philly Americans practice on Saturday of the practice weekend.
The team will be gearing up for the 2003 NXL finals at the World Cup, and
this practice session will be a great opportunity to learn techniques from
some of the best players in the game.
Dinner Saturday night with
the team.
Philly Americans jersey and
poster signed by team.
If that grand prize isn't enough,
Smart Parts is also hooking up some fat runner-up prizes:
First Runner-Up: Smart Parts Impulse Marker
Second Runner-Up: Freak System
Third Runner-Up: Complete Smart Parts Burn
Gear set (Chigo Pants, Jersey, etc.)
Fourth Runner-Up: A pair of WARPIG edition
Smart Parts Custom Chigo Pants
The Details: Yep, there's always
a catch, but these prizes are sweet, so it's worth it.
The grand prize winner will
be selected only from entrants between the ages of 16 and 24 who are residents
of North America (and if you're a North American Resident who is off the
continent you'll have to make your way back here to catch the plane to
the practice.)
The Grand Prize winner must
be available to attend the practice session October 3-5, 2003.
The Grand Prize winner agrees
to write an essay about what they did at the practice session and submit
it to for publication. They also agree to allow photographs
of themselves taken during the practice session, dinners, and factory tour
to be published on, and used in Smart Parts promotional materials.
All winners (Grand Prize
and runners up) agree to submit pictures of themselves with their prizes
to for publication, and allow those photographs to be used in
Smart Parts promotional materials.
All information given when
entering the contest becomes the property of Smart Parts and Corinthian
Media Services (publishers of Neither party will sell,
give, publish, lease or lend that contact information to others.
All contest entrants agree
to receive promotional materials by US Mail or E-Mail from both Smart Parts
and (neither of which is abusive in its e-mail practices.)
Entries must be received
by 12:00 noon EDT, September 13, 2003.
Contest winners
will be chosen at random by Corinthian Media Services "PigPicker" proprietary
Software, and then checked to see if they meet the criteria for each prize.
If the chosen winner does not meet the criteria set forth for the contest
then new winners will be selected. All decisions regarding winner
selection are at the sole discretion of Corinthian Media Services.
Minors (under the age of
18) may only enter the contest with the full consent of a parent or guardian.
Contest winners must be 18 years of age or older, or have a parent or legal
guardian willing to accept contest prizes on their behalf. Corinthian
Media Services and the WARPIG Project are not responsible for contest entries
lost due to electronic disruption, hacker incursion, or other unforeseen
causes. Contest winner is solely responsible for all taxes and tariffs
related to prize. If the contest winner is outside the continental
United States, the winner is responsible for shipping fees.
The contest winner has no legal entitlement to the prize or a cash equivalent.
Should unforeseen circumstances prevent the prize from being awarded, the
contest entrant or winner has no right to compensation. Incomplete
contest entries will be invalidated. Multiple entries will be invalidated.
Entering false information invalidates entry. If Corinthian Media Services
is unable to contact the winner within a reasonable time period, a new
contest winner will be selected.