POWERaDE's "Keep Playing, Play Paintball!" Promo Hillsboro, NH-- POWERaDE heats up advertising and promotional activity
Students will have the opportunity to enter chance drawings to win prizes
Paintball News Network, Inc., is the nation's largest organization of independently owned and operated paintball playsites and retail outlets. Citing its own industry data, Paintball News Network says that the 12 to 24-year-old male demo is most attracted to paintball, which is a kind of glorified game of "capture-the-flag" which has moved steadily into the mainstream and is expected to grow by 8-10% over the next decade. Paintball's entertainment value is not the only thing driving its popularity.
Print ads for the "Keep Playing, Play Paintball" promotion break this
week in
The Coca-Cola Company announced a national marketing agreement with
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