Raven's New Interactive
May 24, 2000 - The official launch of Raven's
new highly interactive
web site began today representing Phase
1 of one of the most advanced internet experiences in extreme sports to
date. Where many sites have two or three standard features such as chat
or product presentation, Raven has pushed beyond to bring every popular
in-demand feature together into one.
The graphic and sound intensive features
RAVEN TV - featuring streaming action video.
This area will be
continually updated to include video broadcasts
from tournaments,
events, interviews, and more.
RAVEN CHAT - Live interactive real-time
chat rooms give players the chance to meet, talk, and sound off 24 hours
a day.
RAVEN WEB BOARD FORUMS - Each Raven market
has a designated Web Board section featuring forums ranging from product
discussion to tech to politics. These sections will be moderated to limit
"flaming" or inappropriate posts.
RAVEN MUSIC - From streaming audio from
the latest bands to a
designated MP3 section which will showcase
some of the best
independent record labels and bands around.
RAVEN EMAIL - Free web-based email accounts
are now available. Accessible anywhere in the world, users can set up there
own private Raven email account. (example: John@Raven-Mail.com).
RAVEN E-TAIL STORE - All Raven products,
including the over 100 new items from Raven, are available through the
new "smart" e-tail
interface. Orders are encrypted and secure.
RAVEN B2B - For all Raven dealers in motocross
and skateboarding, this password protected designated section will allow
dealers to order product, view their account and order history, etc. (Paintball
dealers can soon order Raven products through the Kingman International
B2B site. Kingman is the exclusive distributor for Raven Paintball products).
Many other features include various download
options, photo
galleries, links, regular contests, ad
archives, press section, etc.
The main site url is: www.ravenusa.com.