Professional Paintball: Enough to pay the bills?
Posted by: "Burnman" Milwaukee, WI on July 24, 2004 at 13:51:50
I used to play paintball regularly, but have since fallen 'out of the loop.' My question is simply this, and is posed to all the pro and semi-pro paintball players out there now: Is playing paintball professionaly (that is, lots of tournaments, involved travel, league play, etc.) enough to support yourself? What is the usual pay out for top finishes in big events? Is it feasible to become a "professional paintball player" and do nothing else? I have a sincere interest in doing so, but I'm hesitant to just dive right in and pursue it. I will, however, *not* even make an effort if there is absolutely no chance I could ever support myself indefinitely by playing paintball. I'll say right now - if it's possible, I'll bust my hump and make it happen. Any responses are appreciated- Jason Dusenske burnman@earthlink.net If you email, please make the subject heading "PAINTBALL" so I can find it amidst all the spam. =)
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