Paintball Toxcitity Reported in Dogs
Posted by: Tank Girl on January 04, 2004 at 16:56:30
A major veterinary publication (Veterinary Medicine Dec. 2003) recently published an article that outlines several cases in which dogs that consumed paintballs became sick. From Jan 98 to Jan 2003, 44 cases of dogs becoming sick from ingesting paintballs were reported to the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center. Symptoms reported were vomiting, ataxia (acting disoriented,) diarrhea, and tremors. The number of paintballs consumed by the dogs that became sick seems to vary greatly. In some cases, the dogs ate as many as 5oo balls, in one case a 90-pound lab got sick after eating just 15 balls. Just wanted to get this posted in case anyone's dog (or any other pet for that matter (i.e. cat, ferret, bird... ) has a thing for eating paintballs. I worked with a doctor once that had a dog that loved them. I'm a vet tech and the doctor i work with brought this to my attention as she knows that i play and i figured i'd pass it on. -Sarah
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