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WARPIG Tourney Talk

Re: World cup (nagthy dog play put back in?)

In Reply to: World cup (nagthy dog play put back in?) posted by Joe Bonanno on October 24, 2003 at 01:04:40:

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Posted by:
Jeremy "Davinci" Gadbaw
on October 24, 2003 at 16:43:26

: What exactyly happend with the player from Naghty Dogs that got put back in after being shot out when making a bunker? dont making any calls on it seeing as i was not there, but im just trying to find out what happend, because what i read on warpig update sounded strange.
: Thanks
: -Joeness

I was actually sitting on the sidelines by the snake during that game, here is my take on it,Rocky was working the snake,was at about the fifty when the approaching player went for the bunker move,but got shot in the pack by the naught dogs right tape player,rocky got up to leave because the attacking player had shot him in the chest,but the ref put him back in because the attacking player had been shot prior to rocky. Hope that helps

Follow Ups:
  • Thanks Joe Bonanno 16:36:06 10/27/03 (0)

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