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WARPIG Tourney Talk

PRA Nov 1-2 Indoor 7man/3man event Centrel City Ky

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Posted by:
tad "slick fox" taylor

on October 02, 2003 at 22:42:02

4th Annual PRA/Midsouth Indoor Championships

Nov 1/2th 2003 Muhlenburg County Agr Center

This is a awesome arena for our sport.
Bleachers on both sides ,30ft celings,concrete staging area plus stadium restrooms and concession stand.
Yes it is a well heated arena……………………….

This is one of the most affordable indoor events you can play.Don’t miss it.
Sat Nov 1,2003
7Man novice/amatuer trophy event.
6 game set/unlimited paint /8 minute games.Semi finals with over 10 teams entered.
Trophys 1-3 place.
Limited to 16 teams max.
$250.00 entry per team prepaid/$300.00 day of event.
$50.00 deposit assures cheaper entry fee.Must be paid by Oct 23,2003
We need to know n2 and co2 use each team.

Sunday Nov 2th. 3 man dual class novice/ open class event
6 game set /limited paint /no semi finals. 300 rds per person per game.
Trophies 1-3 place both classes plus year end points for members.
$90.00 entry member teams/ $130.00 non members.
All team’s must prepay a $50.00 deposit to enter event by Oct 23,2003
We need to know n2 or co2 use each team

Open game play on sat afternoon.$10.00 per person hopper ball.
As always the one on one events will be held after tournment is over.$10.00 entry fee /double elimanation.

Ult air fields to be used / 5000 fills available.
BYOP white non staining fill only.
All PRA rules apply/no active turbo boards allowed. For a copy email prior to event.
Dealers may set up at this event for free with paid team entry.Restrictions apply.

For more info or to enter contact 270-237-3955
Mail entrys to
Team Slick Fox
613 east Locust
Scottsville Ky 42164

Directions to agr center.From Centrel City Ky at WKU parkway take exit 53 turn right go to 189 bypass center on right.
Econmy Inn 270-754-2441
Caronda Motel 270-754- 1320
Country Hearth Inn 270-754-1320
Convention Center Inn 270-338-9797

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