Re: anyone in maryland looking for a front player
In Reply to: anyone in maryland looking for a front player posted by Mike Roch on August 04, 2003 at 16:42:54:
Posted by: CoReY DeVaughn on September 08, 2003 at 20:22:40
hey whats up?i live in maryland and am lookin for a team.what division you want to play and how old r you???im 13.now i use a 98 custom with an rt,dye xcel,psycho balistics drop, and 12 volt revvy(gettin a cocker for xmas).i can play back or front,(preferably front)and i play at maryland paintball on route 40. where do you play??if we need another player my bro might be able to ply,hes 14 and has my gun except the rt.(hes gettin an impulse soon)if he cant play i got another friend who will.so write back
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