In Reply to: Re: WHAT ACTIONS CAN I TAKE AGAINST NEW YORK CUP posted by Roger on July 31, 2003 at 14:07:44:
Posted by: Crimsus on August 14, 2003 at 18:34:35
:My guess is that your team lost! :Now the developement of our sport is going to loose! Actually, I was a spectator at the event. Also, there's a big difference between advertising that Hooters is a sponsor and just going to Hooters for a party. I don't know if you've checked out the site for the New York Cup, but obviously after I made a dozen phone calls to all of Core Promotions alleged sponsors, the website changed 2 days later. Every sponsor that the New York Cup site listed was gone, ALL of the advertisements and details of the 2003 event were no longer accessible (the permissions were changed and the links removed, even though the files were still there). Draxxus sent me a follow-up message, as well as Hooters HQ in Atlanta, AFLAC Insurance Company, Paintball 2Xtremes Magazine, and Empire Paintball thanking me for the information. All those companies said the same thing: Who is Core Promotions and the New York Cup 2003 tourny they held? You see, Draxxus was already sponsoring THEIR OWN event that same week. Just because Draxxus paintballs were used does not mean Draxxus sponsored the event. I mean really, if I chew a stick of gum, does that mean the company that made the gum is now a sponsor for my day? Of course not. The New York Cup made the claim that all those companies were sponsors. They were not. They claimed that Hooters was an official sponsor and the Hooter Girls would be there, as well as having a REGULATION X-Ball field (it was the same width, but that just doesn't count). None of those things were there. Lots of other claims were made before Core Promotions was forced to remove their sponsor listing and 2003 tourny details. The petition against Core Promotions was filed AND the Syracuse DA has letters from all the companies whose names were used without their permission at the tourny. The issue here Roger is that Core Promotions (a.k.a. buypaintballstuff.com) used the names of some popular companies to gain publicity without getting permission from any of those companies. Those companies in turn are now putting on their warpaint, hence the reason why the New York Cup site changed so quickly and all the names of the sponsors are completely gone. For those of us that were there, taped the tourny, and went home wondering if the actual New York Cup was somewhere else and we were at some other tournament: A lot of teams and players wouldn't have shown up and paid the money they did if they knew this event had no sponsors. They would've just gone to their local paintball field and played that day. Yes, Tippman provided prizes. That's the only company that actually knew what was going on and authorized the use of their name for promotional use. Like I said in the beginning of this post, I was a spectator at the event. I was a third-party to the whole thing. I didn't play or participate. There are many others who didn't participate that have the same feelings. Some of those people were also of great support when it came to the names on the petition that was filed. When the petition was filed, the total number of names signed (with phone numbers, addresses, the works) came to 157 people. That's 72.3% of the people who attended the event (the total number was on the New York Cup site before it was forced to remove a lot of stuff). Three teams who actually placed at the competition even signed the petition.
Crimsus |
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