Re: pan am
In Reply to: pan am posted by jm on July 27, 2003 at 11:11:56:
Posted by: PigTech on July 30, 2003 at 13:41:23 Forum Administrator
: is it fair to the other teams at pan am to have the first place team as refs.by giving them 100 points for reffing makes it impossible for any team to gain on them, not to mention the conflict of interest issue. Fair, or not, that's the way major tournament series (including the NPPL/PSP) have done it for years. The better teams get chosen to ref, and their inscentive for reffing is earning series points. There have been years where the NPPL/PSP series championship was locked in by the team reffing at World Cup (who got 100 series points). To counter this - you can guarantee yourselves 100 points by reffing an event, and then win the rest of the events to take the series title. The only reason that a team was the top team going into the event is that they win at the other tournaments, flat and simple. : and did I hear that they are being sponsered by Bonebrake? That I don't know but wouldn't it be wise of him to chose winning teams to sponsor? Right now, in the NPPL, the top team is owned by the league president and sponsored by the company that produced the tournaments. They hire other teams as refs though, and it's the refs that make the calls on the field, not the promoters or league. Only if paintball gets so big that the tournaments are run and sponsored by completely different companies than those running and sponsoring the teams will it be free from accusations like this, and I don't think that will ever happen. How many NASCAR winners don't have a sponsor who happens to also sponsor the NASCAR circuit? I spoke to Dan about this at the event, and he has a plan brewing for next season that will both remove even the appearance of problems, and get rid of teams earning series points for reffing, by hiring refs that do not compete in the league at all (something neither the NPPL or PSP has fully accomplished yet, though they've both worked toward it.) We'll have to wait and see what next season holds. See you on the field, |
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