In Reply to: WHAT ACTIONS CAN I TAKE AGAINST NEW YORK CUP posted by mike on July 27, 2003 at 05:32:28:
Posted by: Crimsus on July 27, 2003 at 20:12:56
I've already begun formatting a petition in hardcopy that will basically be sent to the teams which attended the New York Cup 2003. After that, the petition will be filed with the DA's office that handles the area where buypaintballstuff.com has an address (buypaintballstuff.com and Core Promotions are the same place, same phone number, same owner). It would be wise not to purchase anything from buypaintballstuff.com, just to put the pinch on the guy (Jacob Wright). After the petition is filed, the DA's office can check things out. A class action law-suit is a tough thing to manage over the internet, so if there is a team is local to where the NY Cup 2003 was held, that team's captain can be the front man. There's just too much info to place in a post like this, but I'll be posting the situation and info on my webpage, as soon as Adelphia gets my account working again (hehe, my webpage directoy went poof for no reason).
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