Re: World Cup 2003
In Reply to: World Cup 2003 posted by BurgerKing on June 29, 2003 at 23:32:03:
Posted by: PigTech on June 30, 2003 at 10:11:34 Forum Administrator
: I need to know if the world cup has either a rookie or young guns competition. If rookie or young guns how many man and what r the prices. Psp events i got no info. World Cup has 5 man and 10 man rookie as well as Division 1 and 2 X Ball (and possibly Division 3 by the time Cup rolls around.) In the past, it has not had young guns and I've not heard of any plans to add a young guns event. Looking up prices from last season (I don't believe they've changed) expect $500 for a 5 man rookie team and $1750 for a 10 man rookie team. Final pricing will of course be available when PSP opens registration for the event. Also, all team members must register with APPA and have ID numbers, and PSP may be requiring APPA photo ID cards by World Cup (they are phasing into it, it may not be required by then, or it might.) For players competing in PSP tournaments there is no extra charge for the photo ID (i.e. if you play PSP, PSP will pay for your ID card for you.) See you on the field, |
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