Diablo Delivers at WPF Music City Open
Posted by: wayne alvis on April 28, 2003 at 16:34:05
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For further Information Contact: Diablo Delivers at WPF Music City Open. April 28, 2003 Gallatin, TN Several notable changes the WPF has made this year were its switch to Diablo Paintballs for its event paint and the players praised the change. “I had several people come up to me to say how well the paint was shooting” states Wayne Alvis Ultimate Referee “We are defiantly pleased with how the paint is performing.” The paint performed well all day and broke a nasty pink fill. By the end of the day the bunkers were glowing bright pink Diablo. Also new for 2003 was the switch from traditional referee colors for the refs. Instead of the bright yellow or orange jerseys commonly used in the past refs were now out fitted in Referee black and white. Thus eliminating any confusion for a player between a ref and an opponent. Players were also treated to free water and fruit at the WPF Trailer, compliments of Wolf Hill Paintball parent company to the WPF. “We know that players have several choices in which tournaments they attend, we just wanted to convey our gratitude to those that chose the WPF” stated Gerald Alvis, CEO of WPF. After the awards ceremony and prizes were given out another competition was held, The Major Welt contest. Players competed against each other by showing off their welts they received from the days play. Thanks to Major Welt for the prizes donated. Afterwards the players and their families were treated to a players party free of charge. There was volleyball and plenty of free fried chicken on hand. WPF would like to thank its sponsors for their excellent support and products. Without their generous support events like this would not be possible. The Sponsors were: Diablo, Airgun Designs, National Paintball Supply, Shocktech, Empire, Wolf Hill Paintball, Custom Products, 32 Degrees, Redz Gear, Bad Boyz Toyz, Ricochet and Crossfire. Magazine, FaceFull, paintballcyberstore.com, paintball 2 xtremes, Midsouthpaintball.com, Sup air ball
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