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WARPIG Tech Talk - Spyder

Re: Barrels

In Reply to: Barrels posted by Booher on November 29, 2003 at 23:23:50:

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Posted by:

on November 30, 2003 at 04:06:59

yes the barrel should be ported, but i would say no to a rifled barrel. rifling works great with bullets since they are generally uniform/consistant in shape. paintballs on the otherhand are not. if you look up close at paintballs you will notice where the seem is; that is an imperfection. paintballs are also not truly round in all cases so why would you want to put spin on something that isnt always going to be round? another reason why rifling works well with bullets is because they travel at very high speeds (supersonic in almost all cases). paintballs dont even come close. so determine how much exactly you want to spend then look at what you can buy.

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