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WARPIG Tech Talk - Spyder

Quiet Spyder TL

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Posted by:

on November 18, 2003 at 06:07:36

I'm curious if there is a way to quiet down the Spyder TL without going low-pressure. If there is anything I can do to quiet this marker down, I'll consider it...besides a custom silencer--I've already made one, but it's not quiet enough. I think the reason is because the internals of the Spyder smack around so hard and create that *thwap* sound. I've heard that going low-pressure would stop the internals from hitting each other so hard (in turn, less noise).

If nothing else, what would I need to add/remove to my marker to get into the low-pressure area(atlease 450psi)? I've included a list of upgrades I've added that might affect airflow. (Naturally, I want to keep my marker shooting around 280FPS)

Kingman Spyder TL:
-ShockTech Venturi Rear Cocking Delrin Bolt
-32 Degrees Spyder Turbo Valve
-ACI Sub-Zero 6Stage Expansion Chamber
-32 Degrees Remote Line
-Custom Spring Kit

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