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WARPIG Tech Talk - Spyder

Nitrogen is ALWAYS your first upgrade.

In Reply to: upgrades posted by Hornet_71 on November 12, 2003 at 19:29:39:

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Posted by:
Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont
on November 14, 2003 at 10:41:05

Then you need to buy high quality paint FIRST in your Quest for Accuracy.

A $200 Freak and a Spyder with every 'accuracy' gizmo on it can't make paint that isn't ROUND fly straight the milisecond it leave the front of the barrel and all that 'accuracy' hardware behind.

If you are going to continue to use field grade paint quality, the Stock barrel is fine.

Don't take MY word for this. At your local field, borrow a super duper spyder barrel somebody says does wonders for his Spyder. Put it on your marker, use your paint and go up to the chrono area and shoot a group, Then do the same thing with your stock barrel. See the difference? If you can't, you just have to ask if buying that barrel is worth the money....

Forget any other 'accuracy' upgrades as well.....

The key to accuracy is paint quality and NOT hardware.

I shoot premium paint in a cocker and when it acts up the same paint goes out a stock spyder backup. The balls come out the barrel like beads on a string. REAL Noticable from the receiving end. I hammer a few peoples facemasks and then they come up and ask about my "upgrades". I tell them, Premium Paint, Revy Hopper, Nitro, and the rest is stock spyder....

The mistake everyone makes, including myself, was buying hardware first in the Quest for Accuracy and then after all that money was spent, discovered what a HUGE difference some premium paint does of you....

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