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WARPIG Tech Talk - Spyder

Re: Low Pressure Spyder Velocity to low

In Reply to: Low Pressure Spyder Velocity to low posted by Jason Greenwood on November 06, 2003 at 20:23:17:

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Posted by:

on November 12, 2003 at 16:56:01

: I Upgraded my spyder victor with the following in order to get down in the LP range:-
: Autococker Ergo Reg. (thanks Dale for the tip)
: 32 deg magna port valve
: Stock Bolt with Venturi removed
: Home made LP chamber with Gauge
: Pirahna Vertical Adaper (Victor does not have ASA vertical threads)
: Stock Main and 32 deg silver valve spring (followed Ottercustoms instructions) recocks at 305PSI

: When I chrono'd it registered 220fps, I turned the Press. up on reg, little change, up more (400 PSI) 230fps, I had to go over 500 inorder to get 270fps.

: Any Ideas why I had to go so high in order to get the velocity? Does anyone know anything about the piranha Vertical adapter? is it to restrictive for LP? this is the only thing I can think of I am going to polish the internals(although they are pretty good already) and machine out the Vertical adapter if I can see if that makes a difference

: Any Ideas anyone

: Thanks
: Jason

: PS Dale send me the drawing for the parts you need m/c and I will see what I can do

try changin ur springs

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