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WARPIG Tech Talk - Spyder

A Great Place To Start...

In Reply to: spyder or no spyder? posted by Wings11 on September 25, 2003 at 09:57:21:

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Posted by:
Ronald "The Phantom Menace" Danuser

on September 26, 2003 at 17:35:35

Would be
It's a great way to get some insight into most things paintball.
Good luck.

: I recently got into paintball.. ok i played once last weekend and was hooked. now I am looking to buy my own equipment. I'm looking for a fairly good marker, mostly for rec play and hopefully some scenario play. most fields by me seem to be indoor though i'd prefer outdoor wooded fields. I have about $400-$450 to get everything. So far i've figured out to get thermal goggles (approx $50 i think), and N2. From what some of my friends that play have said I want to avoid guns that require batteries (although electric hoppers are acceptable and a seeming must for good ROF). Can someone help me figure out what spyder & upgrades to get or if theres a better gun out there i should be looking into.. Also I really want the gun itself new (I get paranoid buying used stuff, especially for these prices), other stuff if theres a way to assure its quality i'll concider used.
: thanks in advance.

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