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WARPIG Tech Talk - Spyder

Re: Double firing??????

In Reply to: Double firing?????? posted by Dale on September 05, 2003 at 18:35:06:

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Posted by:
joe "SnIp3rSh0t" ramos
on September 11, 2003 at 13:14:40

: Two and only two rapid shots in a row ?

: Goes full auto for only two cycles with only on trigger pull?

: An unusual occurance. Never consistently two.

: Have you cleaned it throughly? Dirt is the cause of many problems so I mention it.

: Replace the O ring on the hammer. It just may not be blowing back far enough to engage the sear.

: Stock pressures? CO2 or Nitro? If you put on a regulater, try uping the output pressure a tad.

: By chance were you describing a double feed. Two balls firing with one trigger pull in one firing cycle. Replace the detent.

try replacing the return spring

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