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WARPIG Tech Talk - Spyder

Some of us were talking....

In Reply to: upgrades posted by dony on June 05, 2003 at 22:05:57:

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Posted by:
Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont
on June 09, 2003 at 19:17:43

We were talking about doing a custom hammer on a lathe with a sear lug not unlike the Autococker.

This would result in a very light pull with a very crisp trigger.

You got a lathe? I'll draw up some blue prints..

See if we can get one or two to work... Deal?

: hi i saw a posting here some time ago about upgrades done with a lathe can some one tell me what is it ? is it in the barrell or what? also i got a new spyder xtra but it seem to be laking of velocity or force the paint drops too quick also compared to my friends stock victor his has alot more pressure we both use generic paintball or the cheap ones from venom they sell for $30 for 2000 witch other do you recomend that arent too espensive? also i allready try to adjust the velocity in my gun turning it clockwise but it doesn't seem to help to much what to do?

First you need to measure / chronograph you marker to know what speed it is now. 300 fps is max I have ever seen and 285 fps in not unusual.

For indoor fields and night play, 250 fps is typical.

Regardless what you buddy's marker does, you should not be over 300 fps safety wise.

We just had to see what our spyders could do. We got 550 fps out of one before the acceleration started shredding balls. That is slightly over HALF the velocity of a .22 short rifle.... but the paintball is several times the weight of a .22 bullet. Not a good thing to shoot at your 'friends' with...

Now sometimes the rear grip screw and / or the
screws holding the bolt end cap (if you have one) stick in too far and prevent the spring from compressing when you adjust your velocity screw.

Try backing out the screws slightly and see if you velocity screw adjustment begins to work properly. Then snug them back down.

If they are too long, use a washer under the screw head or grind them off slightly...

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