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WARPIG Tech Talk - Spyder

Re: 32° Custom Spring Kit

In Reply to: 32° Custom Spring Kit posted by Silver.C. on May 05, 2003 at 02:43:42:

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Posted by:
Justin "Snow_God" Allen
on May 05, 2003 at 16:53:38

: I have just recently spent a few bucks to upgrade my spyders abilities(a compact 2000 2in1 java). I just got the 32° 9 piece spring kit and their venturi bolt. I am trying to get as few ball breaks as I can and the highest velocity I can (I am trying to get balls out of VERY long berrals).

: As I do not have a chronograph I cannot actually tell what the difference being made is very well, and I am trying to avoid spending 4 hours with every single spring combonation and looking to see which tree my balls start dropping at.

: If anyone has any insight as to atleast what size/weight springs have what effect on the gun, or even know which ones I would want to use that would be very appreciated.

: Thanks.
: -Julian

The lightest valve spring and the heaviest main spring will give you the highest velocity possible, try lighter mainsprings to get less velocity, because using the heavy one will use more energy to recock the gun.

Lightest valve spring: Highest velocity, highest air consumption because the valve stays open longer.
With Heaviest mainspring: Exerts more force on valve spring, pusing cupseal/valve stem farther back, opening valve for longer and allowing more air to travel through. High Velocity/gas consumption, but very good for LP setups.(Decrease pressure, you need to increase volume)

Medium valve spring: Kinda what stock is I guess, but the results would be average gas consumption and velocity, good to use in High or Low Pressure setups, Probally just kinda average I guess (never tried it)
With Medium Mainspring: It may or maynot open the valve, Im not sure what the rates on each spring are, but the mainspring has to be heavier than the valve spring to make the valve open.

Ok, I dont feel like typing out the rest of this, but the basic jist of all of this is: The greater the variation between the valve spring and mainspring, the more drastic the results will be. Generally you want to have at least 1 color difference between the springs (mainspring being always heavier).

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