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WARPIG Tech Talk - Spyder

Re: OT: Injury

In Reply to: OT: Injury posted by Justin on March 19, 2003 at 18:13:40:

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Posted by:
Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont
on March 31, 2003 at 11:41:17

Did the product information TELL you the increased risk of injury over soft bindings that are designed come off when you fall down?

And that beginning boarders shouldn't use equipment designed for racing professionals that are in top physical condition and have trained for years NOT to take falls when boarding?

Sue their ass. Don't forget to name the store that sold you the items that convinced you that particular board was the best board for you to have. They will tell you anything to make a sale.

I spent 30 years as a therapist and have seen the consequences of many sports injuries caused by their "marketing plan" to promote that their product must be 'better' because professionals use it.

You don't buy a 175 mph Corvette for a 16 year old as a reward for passing his drivers test.. Unless, you have a $7 million Medical Insurance policy cap that includes Nursing Home coverage AND a $10 million life insurance policy, and really hate the little marshmallow!

My kids were lucky to get bicycles, roller blades, skateboards, paintball, or be allowed to play ANY organized sports. Mom was a therapist too.

But we spent LOTS of money on high quality safety gear and protection, LOTS of money on insurance, LOTS of education about what happens to the human body when things go wrong, Dragged them to work to SEE some busted up people that didn't wear seatbelts, and provided a LOT of supervision.

Then we just let them be KIDS and crossed our fingers. So far so good.

My youngest was riding in a car that went airbourne for 40 feet when it stopped suddenly 6 foot above the ground against a 30 inch oak tree. It bounced off the tree and finnally came back to earth 15 feet away from the tree. They were both wearing seat belts and both airbags deployed properly. My boy walked away with stitches and whiplash. His buddy wasn't so lucky. Broke a wrist and an ankle that required some surgery, pins, and a lot of therapy. He didn't bother to fill out the forms to enroll in the Medical Insurance available at his job and had no medical insurance as a result. Medicaid is trying to convince his parents that they have to pay the bill even though he was 21 at the time. Finnally got it worked out but he wasn't getting the therapy WHEN he needed it. We did it for free until Medicaid kicked in.

Sorry you had to learn that lesson the hard way.

All us males have to get over the idea that we are invincible.

I used to have a diploma that I could print out from the College of Hard Knocks. Interested?

I've got two bum knees and rotator cuff problems in my right shoulder from driving over the top of a Buick on a motorcycle about 35 years ago. Fortunately, after 3 sommersaults in mid air, I landed on my hard head and shoulder. I had a helmet on with the chin strap buckled. Without the chin strap buckled I would have lost the helmet before I landed. I wouldn't be writing anything here if my skull looked like that helmet.

Good luck and get well.

Here's an idea. Since you have a fair amount of time to spend on the computer, go to:

To obtain a Darwin Award you actually have to die but there are many 'nominees' that survived and can be nominated as a future candidate.

My favorite nominee was titled "Exposed Breasts Injure 4 people".

Allegedly all true stories reprinted out of various Media and Newspaper Reports. Files go back years and you get to vote on this years candidates for the top spot for this posthumus award as well as the top 100 of all time.

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