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WARPIG Tech Talk - Spyder

Re: Maddman Rocket Valve

In Reply to: Maddman Rocket Valve posted by D on March 25, 2003 at 22:52:55:

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Posted by:
Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont
on March 31, 2003 at 09:22:02

i was just wondering will a Maddman Rocket valve lower the operating pressure on my gun without problems.

The Low Pressure valve has nothing to do with the operating pressure of your marker. It just allows more volume to flow through the valve at the lower pressures and allows more air through the blow back mechanism so it will recock and cycle properly at the lower operating pressures. At high preset tank pressures, you might have a problem getting you muzzle velocity DOWN to the field speed limit.

To go to LP, you will also need a regulator to adjust the operating pressure of the marker. You can use a DUAL regulated tank which is fairly expensive OR install a regulator on the marker.

You didn't say what kind of Spyder you have.
If it has a vertical ASA it would be fairly easy. If not, you have to rig one and that expense can start to mount up quickly.

Send me an E mail and I can tell you how to get a reg for $20-30. Be happy to help figure out the best way to rig one if you don't have a vertical ASA. Need to know exactly which marker you have.

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