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WARPIG Tech Talk - Spyder

Re: Spyder bolts - problems with different sizes

In Reply to: Spyder bolts - problems with different sizes posted by Hellbore on January 08, 2003 at 15:35:28:

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Posted by:

on January 08, 2003 at 16:58:33

: I have a Spyder Compact 2000 and my friend has a Spyder Sport.

: It seems the upper tube of the Compact is larger in diameter than it should be, because I have tried a few different aftermarket bolt, and all fit very loosely. I use the stock bolt with o-rings because when I try a Delrin bolt without o-rings, I get excessive blow-by.

: The Spyder Sport is even worse. The upper tube seems much too large. The Spyder Sport came with a plastic bolt and the bolt broke. I replaced it with a normal spyder bolt, which fits, but even with the o-rings it fits soo loosely that air blows past the o-rings.

: The problem is even worse on the Sport because it is vertical feed, so the blow-by shoots the paintballs up out of the feed tube. If you put two balls in the feed neck and fire, the second ball shoots into the air about 10 feet out of the neck.

: So, does anyone make Spyder bolts that are a bit larger in diameter, to fit better and seal the breech better on these crazy markers? The Spyder Sport chops balls like crazy because of this problem. If only the bolt was larger... For example, if I wrap a layer of electrical tape around the bolt, it still fits loosely. I can almost wrap two layers of electrical tape around it, but when I do this is rubs a little.

If you want, you can drill holes in the bottom of the feed tube to "vent" out some of the blow back. TMTC. Later.

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