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WARPIG Tech Talk - Spyder

Re: Tippmann 98 Custom VS Spyder Sonix

In Reply to: Re: Tippmann 98 Custom VS Spyder Sonix posted by N3rd on December 26, 2002 at 12:58:05:

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Posted by:
Jim "The_Slayer" Warren
on December 26, 2002 at 14:33:52

: As much as i dislike tippys i hate sonix way more...for the simple fact that they are a total misrep of the kingman name....the sonix are basically made cheap...i have shot one many of times and the trigger sticks every time i used it and the owner is ALWAYS working on it. Plus every field i go to here uses tippmanns as rental because they can take a beating. So its your choice that is just my experiance. good luck

: -Downfall

Funny... my Sonix has never given me a lick of trouble.
Honestly, I think comparing the Tippman 98C to a Sonix is like comparing apples to oranges. The T98C is a higher end gun... just look at the price tags.

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