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WARPIG Tech Talk - Spyder

You sound like my kid. He's 22 now.. Still plays

In Reply to: I have some upgrade questions PLEASE RESPOND posted by Daniel McCarthy on November 12, 2002 at 20:10:15:

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Posted by:
Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont
on November 20, 2002 at 20:12:04

Looking back, he did what your are doing. Upgrading a piece at a time.

When he got done he had a $700 spyder when he could have had a real serious cocker, impulse, or other high end marker instead.

So give that a little thought. When are you due for a high end marker?

He sold it for $350 and was grateful to get that.

Now he plays with my old backup spyder. He still kicks butt with 9 years of play behind him.

Another point. Everytime you change your marker, you change how it aims and shoots. Your firing point will not match your aiming point and your game will be off for more than a few games.

Piecemeal upgrades are a little counter productive as a result. Do the upgrades at one time and then leave it alone and just get good pointing, pulling the trigger, and hitting what you aim at.

Think about that a little too.

Not to spoil your birthday plans so here is what I would do with that money burning a hole in my 13 year old pocket. Been there, done that, myself. Go Karts.....

Take $40 and invest in a LP Spyder valve, A $10 spring set. Dump the Shutter reg and get a real one that can do 400 psi or less.

E mail me and I can tell you how to get a used reg for $30 or less. Or pop $80 for a new one.

Then give some Diablo Hellfire a trial and see if you can get it out the barrel in one piece. It is strictly a LP only paint. A super thin shell that will extend your effective range for a consistent torso break 10-15 yards farther out. That is what I use and I am a threat on a torso at 40-50 yards. Now THAT would be an significant improvement in performance! It is also very, very, round and accurate. Also expensive. But slow down and aim and your joy factor goes up along with your kill ratio.

If you can't get the Hellfire to work, you CAN get Diablo Inferno through a stock spyder. It is the high pressure equivalent of Hellfire in terms of accuracy. Not the range but the accuracy is there. Beads on a string. Very tight groups. And you don't need the reg. Spend it on the Inferno.

There, A lot to think about....

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