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WARPIG Tech Talk - Spyder
Re: A sensible idea??

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Posted by shadow_walker on October 04, 2002 at 15:32:43:

In Reply to: Re: A sensible idea?? posted by Hellrazor on October 03, 2002 at 23:02:47:

: : Say, what if you go make a new little trigger to sear contact pin so that the trigger is always is in contact with the sear, thus making it full auto.

: No can do on the sear sanding. The sear is made of case hardened steel, barely 0.01" thick. Any sanding done to the sear will expose fresh, softer steel and will wear out in about 1000 shots. Now what you can do, however, is raise the sear and add a front trigger stop to take up the excess slack. As for the full auto idea, no-go as well. When you get the bolt going that fast, it's hitting about 30-35 bps, and nothing will ever feed that fast. So that one is out of the question. But I can do the trigger job and all if you'd like. Drop me a line at if you're interested. Website: Hope that helps. Hellrazor out.

That full auto thing will feel like a jackhammer until you pinch a ball. And you can sand the sear, as long as you re-harden it. This can be done by flame hardening or case hardening. So BLAH!!! on you.

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