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WARPIG Tech Talk - Spyder
Re: Don't invest too much

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Posted by Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont on October 03, 2002 at 11:15:44:

In Reply to: Spyder SE upgrade? posted by Steve on September 28, 2002 at 10:06:06:

The SE is no longer in production if I remember right. It is the one with the solid metal tube running from the grip to the expansion chamber?

That tube has a bad habit of cracking and leaking. Protect it. Don't remove the expansion chamber or bottom line unless you just have to. Don't fix it. Just replace with an aftermarket Regulator or expansion chamber or drop all the weight and just put a hose on it and hook a nitro bottle to it.

Don't worry Kingman still supports it for spare parts but you won't find too many upgrades for it in the aftermarket.

The SE uses a different diameter valve and hammer. It is larger diameter than all the other spyders. Order an O ring kit now cause you won't be able to borrow an O ring that will fit.

I doubt you could go to LP cause you couldn't find a LP valve. Doesn't mean you couldn't benefit from a lower pressure marker if you use Co2

It is a good gun. Order some Diablo Inferno and you will be very happy with the accuracy. We use that in 10 year old spyder classics and it comes out like beads on a string. Inferno does not work well sub 40 degree weather however. Winter paint would be JT 2000. It is a starch based shell that doesn't get brittle in cold weather like cellulose shells.

Feel free to e mail me. I have a Do It YOurself full auto. A solenoid that pulls the trigger for you. Clunky but works. No irreversible mods to your marker. I have an auto rangefinder you build yourself. Deadly. And lots of other goodies. Most are free...

I belong to the Milita. A loosely organized bunch of recreational and scenerio players. Big in to scenerio play. We have LOTs of accessories to create havoc in a scenerio game. You might want to start a Milita Unit of your own or hook up with other members in your area.

Let me know.

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