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WARPIG Tech Talk - Spyder
Re: Barrel

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Posted by splat_king_cole on October 01, 2002 at 21:52:21:

In Reply to: Re: Barrel posted by hipboyscott on September 22, 2002 at 18:21:34:

You CAN NOT keep accuracy if your gun keeps breaking paint!!! Unless you completely field strip your gun and hand clean your internals every time one breaks. It only takes the tinyest speck of paint to throw your accuracy off. Try rounding off the end of your bolt with sandpaper then finish smoothing it with very light grit sandpaper (600). I havn't broken a single paintball since I did this to my flash. Make sure you only sand the part of the bolt that contacts the paintball and round it to cup the paintball.

Unless the inside of your barrel is scratched up, it's probably not the reason your gun is breaking paint. Poor quality paint sometimes causes breakage and ALWAYS causes inaccuracy. I suggest you buy more expensive paint. That's the price you pay for accuracy. As for the 16 inch barrel, the last 4 inches are unnecessary especially for a high pressure marker. Although i've never shot with a nightstick I have inspected the inside of the barrel and it's not even smooth (bad sign). LAPCO, J&J ceramic, and CP are all good barrels, but I would go with more expensive paint before I bought any of them. Remember no barrel is accurate if your gun breaks paint.

I'm not trying to insult you, just trying to help. I just can't stress the point enough. I know from experience that a quick squegee job helps, but doesn't compare to clean well oiled internals.

P.S. check out for a lot of good pointers

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