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WARPIG Tech Talk - Spyder
Re: winter play Requires Nitrogen.

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Posted by Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont on October 01, 2002 at 02:21:07:

In Reply to: winter play... posted by _thepainter_ on September 27, 2002 at 16:20:46:

go to:

Read the article that goes with the chart about CO2.

Look at the table in the upper right hand corner and see what your operating pressure will be at 30 degrees. 491 psi. Gee you will have a LP spyder without knowing it. A regulator won't do you any good at those temperatures.

A few rounds of firing and it will be 20 degrees in side the tank and you marker won't have enough pressure to recock. It probably wasn't recocking at 30 degrees either.

Nitrogen will give you 900 psi for every shot. Period. You spyder won't know its winter.

A wrap on your CO2 tank is exactly what you don't need to do. You are trying to boil liquid CO2 into a gas. That takes energy. Where does it come from? The heat transfered from OUTSIDE the bottle into the bottle. If you insulate it, you prevent the heat transfer.

Electros and water doesn't mix. Manual grips only in wet or snow.

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