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WARPIG Tech Talk - Spyder
Re: Beaver tail

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Posted by Javin on September 02, 2002 at 14:21:38:

In Reply to: Re: Beaver tail posted by Hellrazor on September 02, 2002 at 12:27:11:

: : : I want to convert my spyder to rear cocking, and i was wondering...How do sight rails with beaver tails attach onto spyders without the bolt plug in place? Thanks guys...gals (hmm...any girls/women in this forum?)...Peace =P

: : Are you sure you won't be able to? I don't remmeber, when i got mine, i just took the sight rail off, i think it looks better anyways. But, if it's not threaded........ thread it. he he. If you have a tap set and are comfortable doing it, then by all means go for it. I'm not sure what size to thread it though, probably somewhere around a 6/32. HTH. Later.

: Actually, it doesn't attach by the top. There are several set screws in the side of the rail. It slides on the back, then you cinch it down and it stays there. Just don't get the stock kingman one. The corners of that thing is so damn sharp. Hurts like hell. Hope that helps. Hellrazor out.

Will the set screws on the sides damage/scratch the body? Thanks...I'm out...Peace =P

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