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WARPIG Tech Talk - Spyder
Re: X-Tra body

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Posted by shadow_walker on September 01, 2002 at 14:03:18:

In Reply to: Re: X-Tra body posted by Justin on September 01, 2002 at 07:54:11:

: : : : : Does anyone know if you can get x-tra bodies? I found a vertical feed attachment that gets rid of the elbow and Ive always wanted an elbowless vertical feed on my compact. Thanks in advance

: : : : : -the snowgod-

: : : : Shouldn't you be fixing your own gun first????

: : : Yeah, but I know whats wrong now, cupseal and striker O-Ring. Plus its always fun to find ways to spend money :-D!

: : Well, if anybody's gonna know, Shadow_walker or Hellrazor will know. You could try contacting Kingman to see if they would sell just the body. You did see the millenium body from BL right? Thats a Vert feed body. Just the body. Well, anyway good luck on your search.

: Yah, I saw it and Im actually leaning towards it now since its cheaper. I talked to kingman and they would sell me the body for $99.99, and the vertical feed for another $9.99...hmmmm....$70 milly choice, but will all of the parts from the compact work in them?
: The snowgod

Yes, as long as it's not the original compact, it's got the fat striker. The compact 2k will work, just make sure it's got the slim striker. It's like .689 OD. HTH. Later.

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