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WARPIG Tech Talk - Spyder
Re: Shorter Trigger Pull

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Posted by Javin on August 28, 2002 at 22:09:55:

In Reply to: Re: Shorter Trigger Pull posted by Justin on August 28, 2002 at 21:43:05:

: : : : : : : : I just recently did a trigger job on my frame. I was just wondering where exactly do u measure when measuring the trigger pull. I made the pull as short as i could, allowing the gun to recock. However...i can't get it anywhere near 1/8" pull like Hellrazor does. Any suggestions? Hellrazor help! =P Welp...I'm out...peace

: : : : : : : The way he does it is that you have to take the front sear pin out, and cut off a sliver of macroline. Measure the inside width of where the sear sits, then cut that length of macroline just a hair shorter. Then take a pair of needle nose pliers, and put the macroline lined up with the front sear rest, then put the pin in. He had to explain it to me like 15 times, and i still don't understand, so you might aswell try and get him to do it. Or just get an elect. frame like me. =). HTH. Later.

: : : : : : heh...i get it until the part where i'm supposed to use needle nose pliers...where do i put piece of macroline? does it go around, on top, or on front of the pin? does anyone really use this spell check? thanks...peace =P

: : : : : He said the pin goes through the macroline. OK? NO IT'S NOT!!! I have no clue how he does it, so just wait til he replies.....

: : : : Ok...i get it now...all i need to do now is get some macroline. Thanks for all the help shadow warlker and hellrazor...peace

: : : LOL I get it, and he didnt even have to explain it to me, I just needed to read it twice...DUH you people, DUH lol. Ok you cut the macroline so that it will fit to where the hole for the lower sear pin goes, then you line up the holes for the pin and the holes in the macroline, and then you put the pin in. Its not terribly complicated or anything, it just takes a steady hand, coordination, and a few brain cells to make a connection, thats all. See ya all later

: : : -The snowgod-

: : Yeah i kinda figured that guy. Thanks....we all now know how big of a genius you are. Please excuse our inferior minds oh mighty snowgod.

: *Lightning flashes/thunder cracks* Thou hath been excus-ed javin and shadow walker. lol calm down man, I was kiddin, but in my poking fun I seem to have forgotten that you can tell a person's tone with text. Oh well. I didnt mean it offensivley, and in the words of hellrazor and shadow walker, lets have some dip.

: -the snowgod- offense was ever taken. I was jus kiddin too must have known my tone by the text. well i'm out...lets have some dip =P

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