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WARPIG Tech Talk - Spyder
Re: Um, ACE and speed....

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Posted by Hellrazor on August 23, 2002 at 00:49:30:

In Reply to: Um, ACE and speed.... posted by Firewind on August 22, 2002 at 17:37:16:

: This may not be news to you, but when you use an anti-chop eye on an electro it may reduce your rate of fire. Basically when you out shoot the hopper, it delays the cycle of the marker.

: Just had to say that as you seem so driven for the high ROF.

: Of course it will be cool for an anti chop spyder mod to be avaliable. :)

: Now if you can figure out a way to aforce feed system into a hopper (or other force feed), have it timmed to the trigger pulls and anti-chop with out the need to pause the action (Like a logic chip that fires at x number of balls a second with out variation, but actually learns how fast the hopper can load at max and filters the triger pulls to the maximum mechanicall possible) you will have a truly cool invention.

Yep. We know that, but just hearing his gun fire that fast is just insane. With no BPS limiter on it, 2 shots per trigger pull, when he can fire 10-12 bps in the first place with regular the math. ;) That sounds like a cool invention..... I don't know about forcefeed, though. It wouldn't be that hard to wire up an intellifeed setup to the revvy. Could always just whip up an antichop bolt, but I don't know how that would take with the gun at that ROF. Seems to me a springloaded bolt with drag on the front piece would eventually wind up so far back, you'd be getting crazy blowback. Strong enough spring should take care of that.... I'm rambling. So, yes, we realize the ACE has the potential to slow us down. But, we're just messing around with his frame. So we make his turbo, take it off, then install the ACE. Maybe mix things up a bit.... Hellrazor out.

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