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WARPIG Tech Talk - Spyder
Re: Blot problems AMG

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Posted by Hellrazor on August 20, 2002 at 22:53:21:

In Reply to: Blot problems AMG posted by Steve on August 20, 2002 at 22:07:21:

: Hey,
: Maybe this is a new 'normal' thing with spyders, I don't know. I have two spyders, an SE with first gen. ELCD frame on it and a brand new AMG. My SE has no problems and tweaked a wicked trigger pull on it. But the SE is not my problem. I keep my guns well maintained and lubed, but my AMG for some reason is gouging my bolt on the detent side. I know there was already a milled spot on the bolt to allow for the ball detent, but that milling has been 'expanded' by the gun. I haven't had any problem like that with my SE. But my AMG bolt is scratched to all hell.

: ???
: ???

Hmmm.... wear is normal on the feed tube side of the bolt, but not the detent. Check this: unscrew the screws holding your ball detent on, and see if that helps. If it does, grind or file the end of the screws down. If it doesn't, take the bolt out, and look through the bolt tube in the light. If you see more than one nub, which is the detent itself, the screws are too long and rubbing the bolt. Repost if that helps! Hellrazor out.

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