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WARPIG Tech Talk - Spyder
Re: Faster Trigger

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Posted by Hellrazor on August 20, 2002 at 00:33:50:

In Reply to: Re: Faster Trigger posted by shadow_walker on August 19, 2002 at 23:17:15:

: : i dont remember what you do for a shorter trigger pull, it said in the manual for my frame. i have the same problem as you do (outshooting the hoppers) and i keep hearing good things about the halo. it feeds at 15bps easy. id say buy paint to match the barrel....or get a freak like i did and have no worries at all.

: Hey, thanks guys for your input. On my electro frame, the manual says to adjust the set screw, but trust me, hellrazor and i got that to the shortest possible trigger pull, down to the 16th of an inch of a turn. So the trigger pull is down to just below a half a mm. But i think we're gonna order a smaller micro-switch and see how that turns out. Who knows, maybe it'll be our next available upgrade. Anyways, I'll tell ya how that turns out. Can someone tell me where they sell halos for cheap? And BTW, hellrazor doesn't have an internet connection anymore. He's fixin up the shop and the computer had to go for a bit. If you need him, just gimme a hollar and ill pass the message along. Thanks again. Later.

Hey, folks. Computer is back online. Only because I'm running a phone line through my dining room to the main phone line, so it kinda clotheslines people when they walk into it. It's true, we're going to screw with his frame and replace the microswitch. Found a good one for 20 cents. Alot shorter than the one he has now. Why would we do that, you ask? Simple: his trigger is set so short, if you go any shorter, no matter how minute the turn, the microswitch won't reset itself. So, when he orders the new trigger in the morning, I'll probably call up Digi-Key when I wake up and place an order. Then call up KAPP, since they jipped me on the o-ring on the cocker ASA. FYI, Jon, you can't get HALO's for cheap. The fastest on the market today is a HALO-B. Feeds E-MAGS with no problem. So, check that out when you order your stuff. Later. Hellrazor out.

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