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WARPIG Tech Talk - Spyder
Re: not enough air getting to valve...???????

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Posted by Dale DuPont on August 14, 2002 at 19:04:24:

In Reply to: not enough air getting to valve...??????? posted by HeAdShOt on August 14, 2002 at 04:15:58:

Did it use to run OK on your air supply? Did you change air supplys? CO2 tanks?

Might be the nipple inside the CO2 receiver is not depressing the valve stem enough. LOTS of Spyder models and CO2 tanks have incompatability problems. It is a Spyder problem but they don't want to admit it. But every tank well sell works fine in all other brand guns we sold. But not in some spyders.

You can test this by cutting a 3/8" diameter disk out of a plastic milk jug. It is about .005" thick. Put it inside the CO2 receiver and screw in the bottle. If you problem improves dramatically or goes away, then that is the problem.

Go friend to Kingman's Tech support. They know about it. They just don't have a solution but to send you another CO2 receiver that may or may not solve the problem.

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