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WARPIG Tech Talk - Spyder
Re: I Hate Kingman!!!!!!

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Posted by Shivorss on August 08, 2002 at 09:59:07:

In Reply to: Re: I Hate Kingman!!!!!! posted by Greenfield on August 07, 2002 at 15:20:50:

Kingman is like any other company. They aren’t going to release huge changes when people continue to buy the incremental changes they are offering. The point you made about them not making anything new is kind of flawed IMHO. They have released the EM1, AMG, Esprit, Imagine and mixing up their non E-Marker line. While most are just E-frames on current models they are different. Besides....Kingman has basically perfected the blowback semi.

: I'm sure you know this.. but lapco makes a standard, to offset adapter for Drops.

: Also, i think kingman DOES make their own Drops, they do, or one of their "associates" do.

: *As a side note* I bought a System X-10 drop forward off of Ebay, and it came with both inline, and offset holes drilled.

: Anyway, i agree.. i really dislike SOME of the things Kingman does with their stuff.. but they make the decisions.. not me.

: What i dislike :

: 1. Offset holes (as mentioned before)
: 2. The Venturi IN the actual stock bolt
: 3. Their Regulator. (It is 100% Garbage.. i wouldn't even use it as a secondary reg)
: 4. The fact they haven't changed a single thing on any of their line up of guns(except the f*cking colors) in the last 5 years!
: 5. The fact they throw on a bottomline, or a double trigger and call the thing something else.

: - I could list what i like about kingman, which is a lot... but .. i'll save that for later.

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