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WARPIG Tech Talk - Spyder
4+ year old Spyder Compact A

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Posted by Shivorss on August 08, 2002 at 09:43:53:

I find it almost comical the elitest attitude that a lot of people have about the sub 200.00 paintball guns on the market.

I have run a Spyder Compact A for over four years and have never had a gun malfunction. NEVER. Let me qualify this by letting you know that I baby the hell ouit of my markers. I clean my marker after every outing, at the end of every season and the start of every season. I also completly break the marker down and clean and oil every component (screws included). I have recently upgraded tot he Xtra which I am very happy with but my nephew is still using the Compact A and it still runs flawlessly. I calculated that I have probably shot over 16,000 paintballs over the years and the marker still looks new. Amazing.

Here is a link to a picture of it:

Here is my new marker:

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