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WARPIG Tech Talk - Spyder
Re: Tried the gun again...

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Posted by shadow_walker on August 07, 2002 at 15:57:15:

In Reply to: Re: Tried the gun again... posted by Justin on August 07, 2002 at 11:15:35:

: : : Ok, I just went back outside, and now the gun wont shoot at all... The sear wont release when its under pressure, I figured that much out...but I dont know how to fix it. Any sugguestions?

: : Hey, my team had a long day of paintball, so im sure hellrazor won't be on til like 2:00. What kinda of air are you running it on, co2, most likely, but just making sure. Here's a couple of things to check in the meantime...........
: : Are there any kinks in the main spring?
: : Any o-rings missing?
: : Does it have enough oil on it?
: : Does it have too much oil on it?
: : Is the sear spring worn?
: : If your tank has just been filled, it is cold and the pressure is low. Let the tank warm up.
: : And the below is straight from
: : Low & High Velocity

: : To adjust velocity higher, turn the velocity adjuster screw clockwise.

: : 1. Striker Spring. Why?
: : a. If the striker spring is too short the velocity will be low. Replace with longer spring or add a spacer between the flat disc and the adjust screw.
: : b. A cold tank will cause a drop in velocity. CO2 can not maintain steady pressure under very cold conditions.

: : 2. Venturi Bolt. Why?
: : a. If the venturi bolt has been installed upside down, the pressure will be extremely low. The balls will not travel very far possibly even dropping to the ground a couple feet away.

: : Thats alot! but i hope some of it works. HTH. later.

: No kinks in the spring, No O-Rings missing, probally not enough oil....
: Sear spring better not be worn already, Tank was filled 3 days ago. Hellrazor also sugguested putting in a new battery, Im gonna go try that soon. No, the bolt isnt upside down, and the spring came from a....I think 32* spring kit. And I know that the tank wasnt cold.

: Im also going to go oil it.

: -The Snowgod

Battery? Does it have and electric frame? If so, i think i know what might be the problem. Tell hellrazor that it might be the same thing that happened to my (Jon's) gun, and the you might have to use the cardboard insert. HTH. and good luck on the 11th.

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