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WARPIG Tech Talk - Spyder
Re: smartass....... =P lol

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Posted by Dr. "rocklake" Gardner on August 06, 2002 at 14:26:22:

In Reply to: Re: smartass....... =P lol posted by Hellrazor on August 05, 2002 at 18:18:19:

: : : And yes, folks, I do know him. He's doing it just to spite me, plus nobody has asked any questions in a couple of days. He thinks it's because I scared all the questions off. Is it? lol. Hellrazor out.

: : Well, I'm not scared, but I do have a velocity problem you had helped me with before, and you told that that I need to put in a lighter valve spring, but I have not been able to find one. When I go into the paintball store(any paintball store), and ask them for a replacement valve spring kit, or equivelant, I get the same dumbfounded look on everyones face, as if they never even heard about it. Some people even tried passing of the Shocketech Main Spring kit as the item I've been looking for, and I keep telling them,"Does that look like a valve spring?! What do they pay you for?" There are some total idiots out there, and I am glad that only I have been doing the work on my gun out of fear that one of these guys is going to be the one working on my gun, and screwing all up. Help me, where can I find a lighter valve spring to put in my TL+? Thanks, for your time, Hellrazor.

: : DocRoc

: Lol. I hate that. When stores hire people who have no clue what you're talking about, somebody needs to be smacked for it. Anyways, here's the kit that you need: that right there is what shadow_walker got for his spyder, and he is getting great velocity out of it. Hope that helps, man. Hellrazor out.

Dude, that is awsome, man. Thanks!!!

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