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WARPIG Tech Talk - Model 98 / 98 Custom

Custom Machining

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Posted by:
"zaphar" New Hampshire
on February 25, 2004 at 15:14:24

I've been looking around for a rasied sight rail for my custom 98 and all I've been able to find are the ones made by lapco and pro team. The lapco one looks ok, but the pro team one looks like a waste of money. Overall, after looking around, I decided that I would rather make my own raised sight than buy one. The only problem with this is that I have no experence with machining equipment and I don't have access to any such equipment. I looked around and found a website,, which looks like it could make the parts I would need. I'm using the CAD program they provided me with to make the sight but I'm not sure if the sight will cost too much. Are there any machine shops that you know of that can make this type of suff, and are not extreamly expensive? My design basicallly looks sort of like the sight bar on the german g36. It starts from the socket, where the stock sight is located and then slopes up, becomes a sraight bar, and then slopes back down to the sight rail, here's a quick picture Do you think this is a good design?

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